Benton Township building new sewer connection to wastewater treatment plant


Benton Township is moving forward with a major project to connect its sewer system to the Joint Wastewater Treatment operated between Benton Harbor and St. Joseph.

Benton Township Supervisor Cathy Yates tells us the township board of trustees this week advanced the $9 million project.

The one we’re working on currently is going to the wastewater treatment plant, where we’re connecting underground, where we’re going to have our own connection,” Yates said. 

The city of Benton Harbor and Benton Township currently share a connection to the plant. Yates said establishing a new line for the township, to be operated by the township, has been a goal for years.

It was agreed upon in 2000 that that would happen, and it never was done, and so they want the agreement fulfilled.”

Yates said most of the project is being paid for with a state grant.

The project approved this week comes about a month after Benton Township Trustees authorized another $12.9 million in water and sewer system work, all funded with federal grants.
